Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Background Question #5

Do you have three questions you would like to pose to the group regarding the transformation of activities in long term care?


Does the activity bridge differences and abilities? Is it fun or engaging? How would you feel about participating if the roles were reversed? - if you were the client?

What would make activities seamless, natural part of living and integrated versus set apart from living and scheduled in silos? Now I am in an activity. And now I am not in an activity. How can activities be meaningful for the individual and not “one size fits all”? How can we break down the department silos so that all departments are engaged in resident life? Community life!! How can the residential setting be a meaningful part of the greater outside community? So that the setting is just a residential setting much like the houses, apartments and condos in the community? So there is more interaction between the people and events going on in the community at large?

ANSWER FROM KIM C is it desirable to move from a model that is based on structuring discreet activities for residents to one of promoting active engagement in larger-scale projects? what would this look like what stands in the way

ANSWER FROM BETH MA 1) Why do we continue to culturize older adults into childish and herd like activities? 2) Why do we accept the responses (excuses) like....."the people in my grp home, ads, nh love to play bingo and would have a fit if you "took it away" They want to decorate the room in paper hearts for valentines day and always ask why we aren't doing that any more... 3) Can we work on strategies for creating the "urgency" to change?

I'm hoping this is one of those situations where beginner's mind is an advantage, because most of the participants will be far better acquainted than I with the actual existing situation and its inherent obstacles. So, mindful of my ignorance, I offer: (1) Is there a way to think about this that restores to individuals in long-term care a kind of ordinary autonomy; that is, a greater sense that they are free to pursue their own interests (and will be supported in that), rather than ordering off a preset menu? (2) I think of art as sacred play, so not every activity must be purposeful in a practical sense, but can some sense of purpose be infused into activities? (For example, sharing stories with an intention of learning something specific about participants and doing something together that builds on that learning, rather than having random stories.) (3) How can activities advance the aims of those in long-term care being seen as whole people: engaged directly with all the aspects of their characters, even deeper emotions and desires; and engaged with the world outside of care, in real time, rather than steering by the rear view mirror?

1. How can we get more people on board with the Culture Change movement with activities?
2. How can we transform activities to encompass the baby boomers needs as they start to utilize long term care services?
3. How do we get others to think outside the box in providing activities in long term care?
Basically I'm really looking forward to hearing views of others not in the field of activities as I'm thinking they may pose ideas that have never crossed an activity professionals mind - I'm thinking they may already be thinking outside the box. There not coming into it with any preconceived notions.

Can we eliminate the word "activities" in long term care? Why do we not instead use a language that emphasizes using tools for engagement or methods to interact in a meaningful ways? How much do we really know and understand about residents lives and life patterns before we put them in programs?


How can we best enable open expectations and outcomes as a goal?

What scenarios can we envision that begin with the assumption that anything is possible rather than beginning with obstacles?

What types of sensory experiences and pleasures are transformative?

They might be basic, but

1 - How do you create activities that can span the various ability
levels? Is it possible? Does it matter?

2 - How do you create activities that have an impact. That are not
self contained within the facility?

3 - Can humor be integrated into the activities?

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